INFINITI Conference in International Finance 2018 Asia-Pacific

The POST-CRISIS FINANCE RESEARCH NETWORK (POCFIN) – an institution created by KEDGE Business School, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH) and supported by SDSN France – will be launched in 2019.

INFINITI Conference in International Finance 2018 Asia-Pacific

Infinity Conference

10 décembre 2018

The University of Sydney Business School

Sydney, Australie

INFINITI Conference in International Finance 2018 Asia-Pacific

POCFIN is an open and global platform that will serve to accelerate and cross-fertilize existing global academic, entrepreneurial and financial initiatives for the reconstruction of financial theory and financial practices as a response to the sustainability crisis.

POCFIN will coordinate the activities of individual researchers, academic chairs, entrepreneurs and sustainable financial actors, with a view to renewing academic research and the content of financial education, and, more generally, to aligning the structure and the behavior of financial markets, actors and institutions with societal needs.

POCFIN will also seek to raise public awareness of the responsibility of mainstream financial models for the crisis, and of the emerging existing alternatives, through pedagogical innovation, media contribution and interaction with policy circles and regulatory world.

The primary ambition of POCFIN is to constitute an anchoring for the global movement in order to replace the 1970s neoclassical financial model with a new approach more suited to the systemic challenges of the 21st century.